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Remember when a nickel would buy a bottle of Coca-Cola? more
Charlie and Pete, the sequel more
I remember Vicki and Penny from back in the 1950s. Friends of my parents brought them home one day. They were young kids when I first met them. I grew up with them in Nixa, not realizing until later that I had never seen them as babies. more
Words are hard – much harder than they used to be. It's a symptom of middle age I hadn't heard about until it started happening to me. A few aches and pains? Sure. Crow's-feet and laugh lines? Okay, fine. more
Once every five years or so, we get a new television. Sometimes it's because we actually need one – like that summer when a lightning strike electrocuted several of our appliances. But most of the time, it's because Tom starts reading about the incredible picture quality on the newest TV screens, and he just can't stand it anymore. He needs to see it for himself. more
This has been the type of weekend I don't care for. The next two days are going to be no better. A good time to stay inside if you can! Zero and below make things happen that none of us like. It does make utility bills higher, but I, for one, am glad to have those. more
Few sounds in winter are more unwelcome than that of a pitchfork scraping the hay loft floor. more
In the quietness of the early morning, he sat staring out the window at the first winter snow. The thermometer out the window showed that the temperature was in the mid-teens again, as it had been for several mornings lately. At least it was not windy and causing single-digit wind chills. What happened to global warming? more
My favorite character of all time isn’t in a literary novel, a blockbuster movie, or a TV show. He is, in fact, a cartoon beagle named Snoopy. I assume you know him, too, right? more
The winter skies are dominated by bright, well-recognized constellations. Orion, Cassiopeia, and Canis Major dominate. Yet one dim constellation sets next to Orion, winds its way down to the southern hemisphere, and contains the ninth brightest star. It is also the sixth-largest constellation but is overlooked by most night observers. It also has an interesting history in astronomy. more
We are in the middle of the first bad storm of the year. I hope it doesn't last many days. Sunshine always makes me feel better than cloudy days. We got a few heavy rain showers on Sunday. Now, to remember to dump the rain gauge before it freezes. more
On a January day several years ago, my wife and I were at the weekend cabin we once owned in the wooded hills south of Ozark. It was our special place to escape to. Winter was our quiet time there. Not as many visitors came like other seasons. more
This morning, I stirred the white powder into a steaming mug of Earl Gray tea, watching it scatter and swirl like a freshly shaken snow globe until it melted from view. The powder is unflavored, but I added a generous dollop of honey so the tea would feel more like a treat and less like a treatment. more
I thought it peculiar when I first read a recent auto crash report in the local paper that the names of the people involved were omitted. more
I like January. I think most mothers do. Sure, it’s the dead of winter and it gets dark ridiculously early, but January has one big thing going for it. It’s the “cool down” period following the high-intensity workout of Christmas. more
As in seasons past, our home was a family gathering place for kids and kin this holiday season. Putting on the mantle of Grandpa, I again cooked the turkey, dressing, and sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner, while our daughters provided desserts, salads, and other fare. more
Welcome to the first day of 2025. I hope this year will truly be a New Year, in many ways for all of us. I hope it is a year politicians realize that they work for us taxpayers and not for their benefit. If they want a raise, we taxpayers should vote on it, not them. more
Like many critics, I despised the 2019 CGI version of “The Lion King.” The new animation was ugly and the rehashing of the story from the 1994 classic without many changes made the whole thing seem unnecessary. But unlike many critics, I’m not ready to throw prequel “Mufasa: The Lion King” away just because of the sins of its predecessor. I’m not saying that it’s not still inextricably tied to the 2019 film, especially with its still-terrible CGI animation, but the story and characters can do some roaming on their own that makes for a breath of fresh air. more
Well, we won't be using that 2024 much longer. This entire year has gone super quick. That is what happens when one stays so busy. Busy people are not bored people. more
It was Christmas morning. The kids were still in bed. They had all been to their church Christmas Eve service the night before. Mom and Dan were drinking their coffee and admiring the decorated real Christmas tree they and the kids had picked out and cut down at a local tree farm. There were a few lights on it, ornaments, things the kids had made, and family pictures. They both agreed they liked it much better than their old artificial tree. more
'Twas the day after Christmas and all through the house more
I like old things. more
Dear Grandkids, more
Now, I am really counting the days to Christmas and wishing for great weather to have the family in to celebrate. Hopefully, they can all make it safely and we won't have some of the emergencies like we had last year. ( the propane had leaked out and I wasn't aware of it until there was no heat and no cooking. MFA was so good to send someone out and he got everything going by noon. I am going to check everything next week. And, I don't need high water!!!! more
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