POINT LOOKOUT — Cale Plowman reaped the rewards of his efforts on and off the track while earning berths to State in the 4 x 100 relay, 4 x 200 relay and 200 in Class 1 Sectional 3 action Saturday at School of the Ozarks.
Plowman teamed with Cameron Clark, Zach Bos and Dylan Edwards to win the 4 x 100 relay (46.05).
Plowman was third in the 200 (23.86).
The Wildcats’ 4 x 200 relay was third (1:36).
Plowman points to his work in the weight room as being instrumental in helping him make gains in his explosiveness on the track.
“Lifting has helped me a lot to get me where I am today,” he said. “I wouldn’t be anywhere near what I’m doing now if I didn’t have lifting experience. I used to weigh 135 pounds and now I weigh 185. In two years of lifting, I’ve put on 50 pounds of muscle.”
His maxes include a 455 in the deadlift, a 405 for squat and a 260 on the bench press.
“I wake up at 4:30 every day to train,” Plowman said. “Some days I do two-a-days. I’ve been in there working to get where I am today.”
Clark finished second in the 100 (11.53) and Bos was third in the long jump (19-4 1/4).
Chadwick's Burkhart shines
Chadwick’s Chloe Burkhart was runner-up in the shot put (31-6 3/4), as was Raeleigh Little in the 1,600 (6:00).
Little finished third in the 800 (2:37) and Burkhart was fourth in the discus (90-7).
The Lady Cardinals’ 4 x 800 relay was second (10:59).